Project Information


The Advisory Committee on Equity (ACE) is made up of parents and other family representatives, community partners, students, staff, and trustees. The Committee's main focus is to assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its commitment to provide an equitable and inclusive learning and working environment.

ACE works to center and amplify the voices and stories of communities who are underserved by the District's policies, programs, procedures, and practices that cultivate disparities in outcomes. The committee provides recommendations and support to the Board, advising trustees on equity-centered decision-making.

ACE is currently reviewing its Policy P.008.GOV Advisory Committee on Equity to better serve its needs and support the District's strategic goals. You can read the current policy below:

We invited current/former ACE members, students, families, staff, and others interested in the work of ACE to share feedback on opportunities and challenges that impact student well-being and learning, as well as thoughts about the ACE membership criteria. The online survey closed on April 22, 2024. We thank everyone who participated.

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