
At the OCDSB, mature students can go through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process to earn high school credits for the knowledge and skills that they’ve acquired, in formal and informal ways, both in and outside of school. Students can have their knowledge and skills evaluated against expectations outlined by the province, in order to earn credits towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

The District is currently reviewing its Policy P.112.CUR Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition for Mature Students (mPLAR) and proposed a number of revisions to the Ad Hoc Policy Review Committee on April 4, 2024.

Proposed Changes

The Ministry of Education made updates to Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) 132 in September 2023, which impact how PLAR programs are delivered across the province. The proposed policy changes would align our process with Ministry direction.

The proposed revisions reflect the value of all students’ diverse lived experiences and seek to include a way for those experiences to be recognized for secondary credit. They reinforce our commitment to create a community of belonging, promote excellence, and eliminate disparities in access, opportunities, and outcomes in learning.

For more information on the proposed revisions, see the documents below:

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